Thursday 12 March 2020

Timeline Inventions Project

Hello, friends! In this unit 4, our project will consist in creating and presenting two cards for playing a board game in class called "Timeline inventions", based on a real game.

Here you have a link with a description and how to play "Timeline"in English and Spanish languages.

Timeline in English                  Timeline in Spanish

Your mission is to create 2 cards with two important inventions or creations in human being history. So, first, you have to investigate and decide which two of them you are going to design.

For creating the cards, we are going to use the website, based on the virtual card game "Hearthstone" for smartphones, tablets and computers.

Here you have a link with a Presentation in which you will know how to create the pictures.

Please, follow the instructions. Remember: it is an english activity, so you must complete the information using English and using the Past Passive.

When you finish the cards, send them to the email address that you will see at the end of the presentation.

This activity will be evaluated for English and Digital Culture subjects.

Thank you for your collaboration!

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